

International Genetics Laboratory and Research Network company

Simply our mission is to help people and laboratory organizations use our facilities and platforms to carry out our process in various areas of genetics.
Also, with the experience and knowledge and valuable database gained from our countless experiments, we provide opportunities to advance and accelerate the research of individuals and institutions to make progress in their studies.



There Is 100% Satisfaction

Besmart provides consumers and laboratories of their choice to test, analyze and provide results.
The provision of these services is done according to the facilities and international institutions in the field of genetics with a guarantee of speed and acceptance.

  • International cooperation
  • Genetic samples
  • Stock options
  • Unlimited Features
  • Friendly Support
  • Best Results


We Will Help You To Grow Your Business

We’re here to help you to finding a best way

21+Years of Experience
43Awards Wins
27kHappy Clients
99Perfect Products

Be Smart services

  1. The Be Smart technology Clinic aims to promote high quality, equitable laboratory services for patients and their families who require genetic advice, diagnosis and management.
  2. Be Smart technology Clinic is a leading precision medicine network focused on advanced NGS-based services for wide range of Disorders such as immuno-oncology and cancer. We also provides DNA and RNA sequencing and data analysis The fundamental underlying principle is that of equity of access based on clinical need. Patients and their families should be able to access a range of expert advice and appropriate tests via local and international genetics centers. These centers provide the clinical interface and act as a gateway to a coordinated network of laboratory services throughout the world.
  3. The Be Smart technology Clinic has built on previous collaborative arrangements between clinical diagnostic laboratories that offer molecular genetics services.
  4. We offers testing for a range of different phenotypes and disorders totaling 3,500 tests annually. Techniques include:
    •  Next Generation Sequencing (NGS; sequence and deletion/duplication analysis)
    • Whole Genome Sequencing
    •  Whole Exome Sequencing
    •  RNA Sequencing
    •  miRNA Sequencing
    •  ChIP Sequencing
    •  MethylSeq
    •  TCR Sequencing
    •  Sanger sequencing
    •  Mass spectrometry genotyping
    •  Methylation analysis
    •  PCR/fragment analysis
    •  Multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA)
    •  Microarray
    •  NIPT Testing

We offer dedicated support teams for our clients. International specimens receive care and   turnaround as soon as possible. Faster and cheaper results are realized than at other laboratories   because we perform tests in network. Tests and resources organized around clinical specialties to   help patient-care providers receive fast, reliable information to manage the needs of their patients.   Our mission is to inspire hope and to contribute to health and well-being by providing the best care   to every patient through network of genetic laboratories.

 Free online genetic counselling offer by Smart Gene Net team.

Genetic Diagnostic test for following diseases and disorders:



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